Saturday 6 July 2013

I Wish I Wish.

Why am I always like this?
Why am I so gullible and vulnerable to everything?
Why am I not selfish for myself?

I wish I could just get out of this place for now and never come back for a year or so.
Would some one at least care?
I know few. Yes, I know they do.

But who am I with now is not what I want.
I wanna run away. Isnt it cool to just go some where far, forgetting all your past and just think of your present and where you are now in this new world? No one to think about, no studies to concentrate, no phone calls, and its all about you.

Who am I to the people who sometime see me and sometimes I become a invisible cloak?
Am I just a usage?
Existential Crisis. Yes that's the word.
I wish there is a song that could describe my feelings.