Tuesday, 24 November 2015

The feeling of infinite doubt.

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Lessons from How I Met Your Mother.

So I have finally finished watching this so called super popular American TV series 'How I Met Your Mother'. The wholeeeeee 9 seasons in 1 months plus. LOL. Thanks to my crazy bestie (Well you know who your are) for recommending it to me. I totally fell in love with the series from the first episode itself. I highly recommend it to everyone. YES, EVERYONE. I went through hell of emotions while watching this series. Laughing when its silly and crying when it got tooo emotional. Besides, Watching How I Met Your Mother has made me learn a lot of lessons not just about relationship but also life lessons. What real life would be like sometimes. Here are few quotes, dialogues, maybe some are opinions that have made me realize about life and love. 

"Shouldn't we hold out for the person who doesn't just tolerate our little quirks but actually kinda likes them?" - Ted 

"There are certain things in life where you know its a mistake but you don't really know its a mistake because the only way to really know its a mistake is to make a mistake and look back and say yeap that was a mistake. So really, the bigger mistake would be not make the mistake then you really go your whole life not knowing it was a mistake or not." - Lily. 

"Life has plenty of good parts, its the rough parts that makes you thankful that you have people to share it with"

When choosing your friends, imagine sitting on your front porch with them 50 years from now. Do you still want them to be there with you? If not, they’re not worth your time.

When you meet the right person you know it. You cant stop thinking about them. They are your best friend and your soulmate. You cant wait to spend the rest of your life with them and nothing else can compare.

"Your gonna lose a relationship if you keep lying, cutting a person out of decisions, if you keep using words like winning and losing when we talking about our marriage, its not gonna happen all at once but little by little, you gonna lose me," - Lily Aldrin. 

"Its not crazy. It's love. If your looking for the word that means caring for someone beyond all rationality and wanting them to have everything they want no matter how much it destroys you, its love and when you love someone, you just don't stop, ever. Even if people roll their eyes, call you crazy even then, especially then you don't give up because if I could give up, I take someone elses advice and move on, that wouldn't be love, that would be some other disposable thing that is not worth fighting for," Ted.

'Most importantly, whatever you do in your life, its not legendary unless your friends are there to see it.' - Barney.

No matter how hard we try even the best of us goes a little wild sometimes and in those moments we all need someone to help us rally.

Every relationship requires some level of compromise, after all, a couple can't work if they both had a personal mandate of "my way or the highway". 

When you find someone you wanna keep around, you wanna do something about it.

None of us can vow to be perfect, in the end all you can do is promise to love each other with everything we got because love is the best thing we do.

"The future is scary but  you can't just run back to the past because its familiar. Yes its tempting but its a mistake," - Robin.

"Being in love doesn't mean being "perfect." If you're afraid to have arguments, everything will just build up to the point where it's unhealthy, resentment breeds or things become completely explosive."

Learn to read between the lines. The most important things aren't directly said. 

Chemistry is important, but its not eternal. You need a strong foundation for when the sexy stuff fades, because it will.

Do not postpone your own happiness.

I wonder how the screenwriter can come up with such nice things to say and some of them are kinda true too. Well though the ending of the last season was kind of a bummer @@ I had a great time watching it. 

