Friday, 7 August 2009


the day started after a whole 5 hour 30 minutes in the school...what a boring day.=[

Then after 12.30 my life started to jump....up and down. I can't wait to go to the prefect party...!! After getting ready, my mum had to do my hair..i wore a kind of tradisional dress called 'pavadai' dress.Then after that Shu Yuan and her mom came to fetch me and cheng yi along with my cousin Devaraj.Shu Yuan look kind a cute with a two sided braid with purple punjabi shirt.Cheng Yi looks gorgeous with her overseas alfit....

At the school, all the prefects were there with their own beautiful dresses.
everyone looks so....!!! awesome.I was not sure who was going to get the prince and princess of the day!!!!!

Then we got into the first bus, i eventually i sat beside Shu Yuan who was also don't have partner to sit....some of them said i look preety, some said i look like 'orang kampung',some said cute because i was also done my hair like shu yuan two braided hair....

We arrive to the hotel in a few minutes times.The hotel was grand...we walk along the car park following Chun Min the room where we supposed to sit...there,there were some prefects waiting for us to welcome us with a doorgift which was so cute....

i sat on the exco's table...i felt kind a awkward because the food was already there...on the table while my other friends have to queqe up to get the food.

The day started with the both great MC Ruzairina and Hoh Chun Min.Then with the speech of our school principle,captain,and next years captain.

We started to eat,while the performance was going on...
It started with the form 3 prefect with the song of breaking free, HSM.Ten it goes on with the nasyid by the malays...then with some indian girls dancing..which was soooo lame...!!!!
Next was our performance...
All the form 4 was in great mood to sing the song we have been practicing this whole week...AND WOW WE WERE GREAT I SAY...WOW... with the help of captain in the stage and Chun Min holding an extra mike beside the stage was singing with us..too...even the teachers started to sing and some of the prefect were waving in front of us.. i sang and laugh at the same time....hahahaha

Then it goes on with the prize giving...
All the exco got a prize,certificate,a trophy.the the moment we have been waiting for...the girl and boy of the day...was...
goes to....
sasirekka & rengasamy
nur jannah & asyraff
that was unbelievable......
by the way i don't care right now..
let's continue..

the photograhing session..!!!
i took a lot of amazing picture with some of my greatest frends...
i took a picture with Wu Kui too,with cheng yi,shu yuan,yew siang, chin woon,jayme,puvana, pn.teo,and even the tall guy Chun Min.
we went out to take a group picture...

then it continues with the performance of our captain Hong Hong with the chinese song WO AI was nice..
Then Ian did a micheal jackson's moonwalk...!!!! wow..
then lastly the future assist.captain sand a song of micheal jackson 'you r not alone' it was the funnist performance because everyone keep on laughing....even the Hoh Chun Min...the a funny tragis happens...Felicia just pushed chun min fall to the ground when he was eating god i was just there sitting and looking at it....he whole body was on the ground. the table cloth came off i pulled it back..then vimalan and keshin came to take a look at what happen...Chun Min face was with food dirt....hahahah...

After that we had to go....
i was the last one behind my friends..
they left without me..
but nevermind i walk with chun min...
and another tragic i merely slipped off the stairs when i was getting long pavadai skirt...but i hold on myself..

then i found the bus where i and chun min get in shu yuan was there waiting for me...i sat there.unfortunately there was no place for chun min to sit...poor..=[
he get down to the next bus....
then after a while we both realised that we were in the wrong bus....ahhhhahahah....

we arrived at the school, i waited for cheng yi, she was just there....
we get to the car which was waiting for us....

i went home,had a bath,eat dinner,watch tv and went to sleep...



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