Sunday, 19 June 2011

Chapter 35: Ji Young.

Minho's POV

What is his name again?!

Oh, ya.

Ji young.

He was the guy who cheated on Soojin.

He was Soojin's ex-boyfriend or more like a cheater.

He only wanted to be with Soojin for fun.

And she believed that rascal!

The thought of him itself is making my blood boil in rage.

Does he still recognise me?


"Aniyo," Soojin was crying in my shoulder.

"Soojin-ah," my deep husky voice was calming her down

"I'm sorry for disturbing you,"

"No, it's ok.I'm here to listen," I said.

"It's just I can't forget him.He's been all nice and good.He cared for me.He protected me.He said he loved me," she was sobbing harder.

One my hand hand was on her back, soothing her.

"I really believed him.I even fought with Jinki oppa because of him.Jinki oppa was right, he is a liar," she was covering her face with her palm.

She was still sobbing and telling me a her past story.

"It's alright, now, come on, wipe your tears.I'm here.Do you believe me?" I don't know why that question pop in my mind but i really wanted to be with her.

I don't want her to end up like this again.

She nod her head. Even if she suspects me, i'll prove to her that I'm not a liar and she can rely on me.

All I have to do is love her the way she love me.



"Mianhamnida.I know it's uncomfortable for you to hear this but i have to tell you,"

I brought her near to my chest and hugged her.

"I love you," I whispered.

She hugged me back tightly.

I swear if i see this Ji Young guy, he's going to get it.


"Minho-ah, palli, palli," Soojin really couldn't stand her hunger.

I have to buy her a waffle, pancakes, doughnuts and now ice-cream.

Oh God, all those sweets and money!

I wonder how Jinki hyung takes her.

I walked faster and carefully not to spill the ice-cream on someone. I saw Soojin waiting for me but I didn't see a big figured guy running across me.

I accidentally spilled the ice-cream on his shirt.

"Oh!" Soojin saw me and ran towards us to help the guy.

"Mianhamnida," I took out a tissue and try to wipe the ice-cream dirt when I realize what was happening.

Soojin was tearing up.

I was shocked and she was staring at the the guy.

That guy had a disgusting look on him.

"Ya! What did you do to her.Soojin-ah?"

"I promised not to cry because of you," she screamed.

"Soojin-ah?" I called her.

"Why are you crying then.Pftt.Gullible, innocent, girl," that guy was talking back.

"You cheater, liar, betrayer! I Believed you! You IDIOT!" She was yelling at him.

I could only stand there.

So, this guy must be Ji Young.

Come on, move Minho!

Show her she have you to hold on.


I walked in between them and stood facing the guy.

"Go way," I said calmly.

"Who are you" He asked with ferociousness in his his expression.

"I am Choi Minho," I answered back.

" she's with you now?"

I kept quiet.

"Minho-ah, let's go," she pulled my arm.

I was making up my mind to follow her and go buy he said something that really pissed me off.

"Make sure you use her well, she's really gullible little girl.She believe everything you do,"

I couldn't stand it.

My hand responded my anger.

I hit him hard in his face.

Breathing harshly in anger, I gritted my teeth and said,

"Becareful of what you talk,"

He got mad and hit me back.

"YA!" I shouted.

I was pushing him and he was pushing me back.

We end up fighting

"YA! YA! Minho, Ji Young! STOP IT!" Soojin screamed.

She was in between us now.

She slapped Ji Young and pulled me away from that place leaving him behind standing there with people around looking.

1 comment:

  1. and the drama begins...
    this is a melo chapter...
    mushy game = + 0.5 mark for minho's out of nowhere confession
