Slept early before 12.00 am due to tiredness.
Things seems to be weird recently before the day comes.
Friends acting all 'gossipy'? Weird. Don't want to tell me? Sad.
But I kept it to myself.
When the clock strikes 12.00 am, I was in my slumber land.
Snoring deeply I guess when the sudden loud knock disturbed my unknown dream.
Still dizzy from my sudden stand up, I open the door eyes blurry, saw my two housemates with expression that got me confused.
"Hem! Muvain called! He met an accident!!" Patricia's face was unpredictable.
"Still not wearing a proper clothes and was looking horrible, I answered, "What?! Accident?! What are you talking?!"
"I don't know! Come, we have to go see him, he said he is downstairs,"
"Uh?! What are you guys talking?! Oh my...please don't scare me la," I took my glasses and started panicking.
My housemates were already running down leaving me behind struggling to catch up with them.
The cold midnight breeze was making my body shiver.
"Wei, wait up! I'm scared!" I told them from behind.
"Where's is he?!" Patricia called after.
Then Patricia saw him lying on the playground carpet which was half wet due to the dew.
"Oh my god! Muvain!" Patricia ran towards with a her voice that I got a hint this is a trick!
I laughed out loud looking at the way Muvain lay on his face facing the carpet!
Hahahaha!! I started laughing and I couldn't stop it anymore.
Then I aw another two of my Uni mates coming over towards me with a piece of candled cake.
Its Wai Keong and Vincy! Oh my...
That got me surprised.
All of them started singing Happy Birthday to me and I blew the candle.
After a few second of settlement, I was attacked with WATER BALLOONS!
And that was another surprise.
I saw both my friends holding it and was ready to throw.
I started sprinting away from them around the playground.
Finally, no way to run since I finally have to make my way to them.
I ended up drenched and powdered at the same time!
Wai Keong keep throwing his balloon but it didn't break besides failing to hit me!
This was the embarrassing moment, I couldn't stand up since I sat on the ground with my body covered by water and powder!
"Guys!! Oh my god!!"
Then I got a another throw exactly on my head! My hair got wet. T,T
Then there was me with my ghostly looking picture where all my friends agreed that I have a potential to act in ghost movies!!
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Its cake eating time! I fed everyone the chocolate cake. Delicious one, thanks to Box Head!
Muvain started complaining that I didn't even cared about him when Patricia told me he met an accident.
LOL, who wouldn't laugh when you see a funny guy lying on the ground, face facing the ground flat like a butterfly?!
I kind of got it that it was a trick to hit me.
Vincy bought his two daughters (Hamsters) in a box.
We all started to play with him and I was getting cold because I was still wet.
Its 1.00 am and we decided to get back home for class starts at for us.
Morning came and I got ready. Its my Birthday and I feel so special with my loving friends around me. Got a call from my dad, my aunties and my niece!
After class ended at 9.00 am, all my classmates wished me.
All I did was,"Thank you, thank you,"
"Hem, Happy birthday!"
"Thank you!"
This two lines were repeated around 30 times, I guess roughly.
And also, "Hem 'burger' happy birthday!" LOL. =,= My another nickname I got from my Uni mates.
My next class was not with my other friends so I was left alone to attend the class until 10.00 am. I got 5 missed calls from Poory and Pat but due to my phone in silenced,I couldn't hear it.
Got scolded by Pat because I didn't answer her calls after my class.
Then she said, ok, lets go eat now. I'm hungry and again they were she and Wai Keong was walking faster than me.
When I caught up with them, they went to the University square,its an open area next to the beautiful lakeside.
There were 10 of my close friends I usually hang out with sitting rounded with a cake in the middle!
Oh my! That was another surprise of the day.
Then lighted the candles and sang for me, since one of my another friends birthday was 4 weeks ago, they celebrated hers together with mine. Priya, you were surprised too!! XD
After singing, I blew the 19 candles that was lighted.
I'm officially 19 years old!
Lol, is that old? They still say I don't act like one. :P
Cutting and feeding one by one to my friends were the happiest moment I had! I was so grateful to them that I just don't know how to show it.
Then, I got my present. One of my favourite part, Birthday presents!!
And that too, surprised me too much! I got to carried away by happiness that I cried.
Its like one of my wish came through! I always go through the K-pop DVD section whenever I enter bookshops and look through the DVD's but due to the price, I never got to have one. Now, that I had it in my hand as my Birthday present, SHINee first world Concert Singapore, I screamed, well they did warn me not to scream but that's me, I just do it! I am me, and no one can change me!! :P
I hugged Mun-mun, Patty and Poory, Yong and thanked them. And thanks to my dearest box head Wiki for using his car to get me my presents, birthday cakes and stuff!
We had an enjoyable moment, talking and eating cakes under the sun.
And again thank you so much!
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Getting ready to surprise me is it?! |
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My favourite part! |
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Two bday girls but different birth date! |
Then , there was lunch. I promise my dad that I would treat them since its my birthday!
We went to Old Town White Coffee and had our lunch together. I treat them even though they were so nag about me being the one that was suppose to be treated.
This people don't understand that I want to thank you all!
But still I got some money from them and I was so mad that chucked the money back into their bags!
Hehehe! I payed for it!
Patricia told me to expect the unexpected, and this is what I get for my birthday! I know how much hard was it to keep it a secret from me and plan this, since I'm like a leech with you guys! Hahaha!!
Took my special credit to those who spent their money just for me,I deeply thank you all. Now I understand, how close I have gotten into your hearts and a friend.
I am so glad that I was able to have you guys with me, that missing my parents wasn't a big deal at all!
I seriously drool over out of happiness whenever I take out my SHINee DVD album!
Still waiting for the perfect time to watch it. Exams are nearing and assignment dues are getting closer.
:DDDDDDDD should be more than unforgettable~~~~~~ you with tepung, epic ah~~ epic~~~ be my model next time~?