Anyway, it's been ages since I blogged something proper right? So here's something I just thought of posting after reading tonnes and tonnes of articles about being in a relationship and keeping it long distance for a certain period of time. I know I'm gonna crap stuffs again but bear with me ya~.
I was thinking of posting it after I start my semester but then nah, I'm too bored and I wanna blog something and post something. =P
So it's been almost 2 years eh? Like not yet but almost, very close.Ah, yes its about my relationship with this most lamest, silliest, and also ridiculous boyfriend I ever had. Never thought I could hold on to this for this long actually. When I first accepted him, I was never on the mindset to see my future with him. Never did I thought I was going to set my heart for him. All I thought was I should give in and give myself and him a chance. After all, I rejected him few times and he was still after me for months and months. In the end, he took this one chance I gave him and showed me he's worthwhile by just being plain himself.
Being in a relationship got me to realize, not all guys are the same. When you expect him to be your king or prince charming or whatever Korean drama type of guy but no. Reality is wayy, wayyyy different than you think it could be. At least its not as worse as Korean dramas.
As for this fella, he's just plain himself. I mean he does try to make me happy. His effort that I always treasure. Even it is just plain simple things like visiting me out of the blue, getting me Famous Amos cookies, bringing me out for dinner or dessert eating and even inviting me over to his house for dinner too. He's always trying to make me happy.
And our relationship was nothing like Korean dramas. It was just plain simple and we always go with the flow. He's willing to be responsible. The most important thing being in a relationship that I learn was both the girl and the guy have to be responsible. Its not just the guy that has to take effort but the girl too.
I've done my part to appreciate what ever things he has done to me, make it it was romantic or not such as just driving me to school even when he's no more attending or bringing me out for dinner after his work even when he's dead tired (yeah he was working for time being till he got accepted to go Aussie to continue his studies if you guys are wondering. He was doing his internship.). To that I've tried to make him my own made cards, photo books of us, giving him letters, get him small things that he likes (especially foods), cooking for him. Though I know I kinda suck at that still and I even tried baking (This came out successful because I ended up taking baking as my new hobby!) Even it is not big I hope he understands.
So now he has already flown to Australia to continue his final year there for 10 months. I supported his decision on letting him go miles away from his family and me to study. Its also one of my way to let him know that I trust him no matter where he goes. I was happy that he's going overseas, few thousand miles away to continue his last year. He can finally get to see the outside world without his parents and also learn to be independent (though he was already independent) XD. But yeah.
I thought I could handle the relationship with him being so far away. With me not being able to see him face to face, with me not being able to hold his and tease him and bully him, cry to him, go out 'makan' with him and his family and what not. I thought I was super ready because its just freaking 10 months. But I guess I was
When I reached home that night, I couldn't sleep, thinking how am I going to survive when I come back to KL again? Its not going to be the same anymore. He wont come and visit me, or he wont be there to surprise me, I have to go out dinner by myself and also do grocery shopping alone. All I can do was miss him. Ah, the next 10 months (my Final year project and also my internship) gonna be totally different I realized.
But we got a chance to challenge our relationship. Its to take up all the ups and downs by being far apart and come out clear after that!
This is freaking nice. :')