Monday, 28 February 2011
Chapter 8:Help 2
I LOVE YOU SO.....MUCH..!!!!!!!! MISS BESTIE!!!!!
Saturday, 26 February 2011
Okay, for the second time
CSY comment's on Hem's writing.
The first experience of entering a class is definitely my best, seeing how many times I have been a 'New Girl' in different schools. Yes, that's what I think mostly when I enter a new class. What you missed out is people whispering about you! That happens all the time! And later when heroin makes conversation with others, please make sure they mistook her for something or somebody else. Example: 'I thought you were the toilet cleaner's daughter, my mom told me some cleaner's daughter was coming. I even brought my last year's uniform for you and yesterday's leftover dinner.' And someone new always has a problem to fit in and make friends. She has to love and hate some people at first sight before talking to them. After getting to know them she must have a change of mind!
My outing!
Okay, what I did the first time was really long, but now I'm totally frustrated so it will be short.
I went to Pavilion on Friday!
Things I did
1. I ran across the road a thousand times when the light was red for pedestrians. (I almost got knocked down by a motorcycle and plenty of angry drivers of course)
2. I had a sudden boast of confidence! ( I went to a shopping centre selling clothes and jewellery worth all above RM100 in a RM10 T-shirt and 50% off discount jeans. Still, acting like I earned RM1 million a month, I walked coolly into the shops, smiling with my head held up high asking sales girls the prices of this and that. It was horrible, a dress costs RM 800. Pity those sales girls, I didn't buy anything.)
3. Laughing at sales girls. (All the sales girls hide behind layers and layers of thick make-up. They look better than Barbie dolls.)
4. Ice-cream in the middle of KL. (I ate a MacDonald's ice-cream despite trying to lose weight!)
5. I wanted to get a pair of Diva earrings! (Of course I didn't, they were well...expensive.)
That's all for now! I didn't even update my own blog!
Chapter 7:Help
Friday, 25 February 2011
Chapter 6: Remembering
Saturday, 19 February 2011
Okay, good work. Keep it up. I like that dumb boy.
Tea @ CSY
Thursday, 17 February 2011
Chapter 5: Way
Tuesday, 15 February 2011
The prince charming from Cinderella
So here it goes.
1. My future boyfriend has to not smoke, drink or be a womaniser. I have weak lungs and can detect smoke better than a smoke detector within a 2 miles radius. I do not consume any alcohol, so I expect him to only consume it once in a blue moon. I see you with another woman, you are already dead.
2. He shall not use any foul language. Not cool, okay!
3. They say 'Don't judge a book by its cover.' Too bad, everybody takes looks seriously. I never thought about looks, but I am honestly attracted to tall guys in specs. If you look like Chace Crawford mix Ian somerhalder, you are in.
4. He has to be adventurous. I love travelling and exploring new things so I really would appreciate someone like me. I love nature, so you have to love the wild.
5. He must know how to cook. I find guys who cook for their girlfriends very sexy.
Monday, 14 February 2011
21 Criteria!! My Ideal Boyfriend!
I know killing me makes you happy PART 2!
my LEFT NECK hurts..and my left brain too...
Thursday, 10 February 2011
Chapter 4:School!!?
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
I don't know you
I really don't know you Hem!(You seem like Korean)
This post is to comment on your story. I tried my best to comment on your story but it keeps getting canceled. I tried to SMS you but was rejected again as I only have right now 0.04 cents in my phone.
You know, the story is good. Pretty much seems like the girl meets boy, girl falls in love with boys, boys accepts girl kind of story. As the writer, you sure seem to be all together Korean.(Completely) I like the way you described some parts, especially the girl part. (Don't ask me which part, I might show you the title) Okay, the start makes me dig into my past memories of Boys Over Flowers. The beginning of her(What's her name again?) moving to Korea to stay with her dad got me thinking of Twilight. I like the girl's character and happy that the guys here are super-handsome. Don't stop your story till the end! Be wary of spelling and grammer mistakes!
Chapter 3: Someone!??
Chapter 2: Arrival
Tuesday, 8 February 2011
Chapter 1: Flight
i love flying in a flight. my life time dream is to travel all around the world and learn their cultures and tradisions. i was inspired by my mum who always goes around the world for her bussiness trip. i also wanted to travel too.Today,i am going to Seoul,South Korea.To live with my dad forever.My mum is getting busy with her work and she probably wants me to live my own life. This is my first time travelling alone without my friends or family.i hope i enjoy what it takes to be a enjoyable journey.Besides i am going to live there forever with my dad.Korea is a languaged country and they speak their mother tongue Korean.i have been practicing and learning some 'survival' easy-to-learn korean book.i merely can almost speak fluently but not yet.i still have a weird accent.i hope they can understand what i am speaking!Even though i am a korean i am used to speaking english than korean.
i entered the Korean Airlines pathway and there was a pretty lady standing.She must be the stewardess.
" anyeong haseyo" she greeted me.
"anyeong" i said back even though there was a funny accent in it.
"can i help you miss?" she asked me in english.
i handed her my ticket.then she brought me to the end of the flight.i pass like 300 people.Great i am the last one to check in?
"here it is miss," she said politely.
she showed me my seat.there was already a man or a boy sitting beside me.i bowed at her signing thank you.and she went away. OH WAIT! MY BAG! GREAT,i have to carry it and put it in the cabin my self then BUT's so heavy!! i wanted to ask help but everyone was busy and it was crowded with people walking here and there.The guy who is sitting next to me is sleeping with his cap covered on his's all up to me now.OK..on the count of threeone..two..three..yak..!! the bag become weighless..!! WOW..when did i become so strong?!Suddenly a breath gushed my bangs.i looked up and a dazzling glowing brown eyes was looking at me.
It was the guy, i mean the boy who was sitting next to me. He was wearing a white shirt and a skinny blue jeans, an earphone on his ears and a scarf around on his neck, sharp nose and the most beautiful eyes i had ever seen.
STOP.YOU ARE RUDELY CHACKING ON HIM.THAT'S SO RUDE. I stop myself from looking at him and said,
was i trying show off? i smiled in my head but i was blushing at the same time. He smiled back and nodded his head.Even though i sat next to him, we did not speak to each other more than two words like,'sorry' if our arms brushes, or 'thank you' when the stewardess pass the food to him and he passes it to me. But i can't stop myself from staring sideways at him.
Marry Me!
It starts with with my mom's auntie whom is an Indian-adopted-Chinese. All her children are like me indirectly(Just a lot fairer and older). Now, her kids get married to different races. Two of them married Malays. Others married Indians. Still, all of them were very very very fair and pretty. Then, there is one who marries a Baba-Nyonya. And their children look like Tibetans (the taller one is seriously good looking by the way).
So, everyone in the wedding looks like Chinese. And the Indian-Malay mixed girls are super pretty in Sarees. I, on the other hand, look weird like a Malay. I should have been fairer!
The food.....was the bad part. It wasn't nice. Edible, not satisfying.
That's for all about the wedding. I've been busy with a lot of things lately (Includes day-dreaming)
Hemlatha, you are free to blog about ANYTHING!
I love you as usual, will not reply morning SMS's and only read horror books from now on. =D
great idea!
Monday, 7 February 2011
Wednesday, 2 February 2011
I know killing me makes you happy
Next were the people. As it was a week before the Lunar New Year, they were Chinese customers everywhere. They squeezed and pushed each other-which sadly included me to buy cheap broccoli and lotus root. I was lucky to get some broccoli and lotus root before it finished. It was also another thing that I wasn't squeezed to death.
People bought beers and wine and so many soft drinks. Can't help it, it's festival time.
So, today is Chinese New Year. Happy Rabbit Year PEOPLE!
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
Book Review: Night World 2