Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Marry Me!

I recently went down to Johor to attend a wedding. It was a blast. Tell you, it was a typical Indian wedding. BUT, the people taking part were just not typical Indians! They were all mixed up-like me!

It starts with with my mom's auntie whom is an Indian-adopted-Chinese. All her children are like me indirectly(Just a lot fairer and older). Now, her kids get married to different races. Two of them married Malays. Others married Indians. Still, all of them were very very very fair and pretty. Then, there is one who marries a Baba-Nyonya. And their children look like Tibetans (the taller one is seriously good looking by the way).

So, everyone in the wedding looks like Chinese. And the Indian-Malay mixed girls are super pretty in Sarees. I, on the other hand, look weird like a Malay. I should have been fairer!

The food.....was the bad part. It wasn't nice. Edible, not satisfying.

That's for all about the wedding. I've been busy with a lot of things lately (Includes day-dreaming)

Hemlatha, you are free to blog about ANYTHING!

I love you as usual, will not reply morning SMS's and only read horror books from now on. =D

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