Wednesday, 26 March 2014

The Start of Semester 4

So today marks the first day of my Semester 4 Year 2. Wow. I'm a Sophomore! I'm a senior for three batches behind me and junior for three batches in front of me.

The first class was at 8am, Food and Nutrient Evaluation. Mr. Waikeong came early because I woke him up early. Kekeke! XD Packed breakfast and went for class. So it was our same lecturer from last year. And I started getting distracted in the first class of the first day. GREAT. Two hours class but we talked the lecturer out to get out earlier for the next two hour class.

Next class 10am, Nutritional Biochemistry. Dont get scared. Dont get scared by its name. Dont get scared but I DID. The lecturer looks a lil lil bit sstriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiict. She started her lesson right after the introduction to the subject. And the only person she recognise in her class was me. YEAP. ME. Because I knew her last sem. She was my mentor. "I know some of you here, Hemlatha. Hemlatha right? You are my mentee yes?" That time I was blurring out, like daydreaming actually and I came back to reality when she spelled my name out of her mouth. I was like whhuuut. She knows me? She remembers my name after 4 months?! Yaish!

So after that class I wanted to pee pee but eventually MOST OF THE TOILETS WERE CLOSED DOWN DUE TO WATER RATIONING. I have to like go find for a not closed down toilet when there used to be toilets every floor. *Cries*

Recess time and I was excited to see the new food court that was closed down for 5 months. So it has a indoor food court and outdoor food court but it doesnt make any difference in this weather. In or out, it was still hot. =,= It doesnt seems to be blowing air cond in the indoor area. AND the food priced were INCREASED. Almost gave me a heart attack when my food with rice, two vege and a small half fish cost RM9.90 *Cries again* But there are some new food like western food, pasta, burgers and etc.

Then me and waikeong bought the new menu chatime and shared. Caramel with chocolate Cadbury. Well not bad. Its still drinkable. Hahaha!

We had a talk on MQA accreditation for our School of Bioscience. Its gonna be fully approved by MQA and be taken out from its prohibitory MQA. So the Dean has selected several people from each batch to attend an interview that will be done by to panel from the Malaysia Qualification Agency to approve our School. And one of those unlucky person is me. I had been told to be ready for the interview next month and memorise the Vision and Mission and few taylors related stuff. So when they ask me questions, I know about it and also to give good comment about the School. Yesh. I have to. @,@

After the talk I had next class 3pm, two sleepy hours because it was raining. Food Preservation. It was Ms. Chan, our few-years-older-than-us lecturer. She was okayy but I actually wanted to get out of the class for the day. So she ended the class early after seeing our bored face! Hehehe!

Me and Waikeong rushed to the car park so that we could get out of Taylors before the usual Taylors jam starts. And yesh! We did! We got out without a jam. Yummyy!

Came back home and realised after rambling my whole bag and taking out all the stuff out of my back that I left my keys in Waikeong's car. How smart. -,- I made him come back lol. Ooops sorry. He pass me my keys and here I am sitting and blogging!


  1. Omgicantbelieveustillbloghem~~~

    1. she blogs, just rarely... while you... i don't know where is your blog~~~~~~ *again

  2. Sorry this comment comes after a long time I read your blog mainly because I was lazy! xD hahahahahahaha. Sorry ya, its also because I'm in some problems too =(
    I know that pain of food prices. And we should chatime together when I get there. You recommend me!
