Randoms again.
1. Sunday - Did Lab Report.
2. Monday - Did Lab Report and studied Food Preservation- Thermal Processing
3. Tuesday - Studied , Trip to Yakult, Studied Food Preservation - Thermal Processing and Chilling and Freezing
4. Wednesday - Class, Studied Food Preservation - Non Thermal Processing, EXAM.
So it continues. My semester 4 becoming more and more uncontrollable.
So when I start to study with my laptop next to me, I tend to do this. Hehehe.
So when exam nears to the very last day, this is the consequences >.<.
And Madness drives us.
Reminder to myself here,
This Friday 16/5- Nutrition and Health in Disease midterm.
Sunday 17/5 - Tutorial hand in for Food Safety and Quality Management.
Sunday 18/5 - Lab Report Food Preservation dues.
28/5 - Lab Report due for Food and Nutrient Evaluation.
Saturday 31/5 - HACCP Presentation, Assignment 2 due: Food Act and Regulation Nestle Fitness Cereal.
2/6 - Assignment due for Nutrition and Health in Disease, Iron Anemia.
5/6- Lab Report due for Food preservation.
6/6 - Proposal for Practical Assessment.
11/6- Video Assignment due on G6PD Deficiency, NutriBiochem.
Week 12/13 - Food Preservation Assignment due, Milk Preservations.
Week 14 - Finals.
Woooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Deep Breath.
That's a lot of work you have there!