"June, get Allison here by dawn. I have a job for you guys," Kai came trudging in with his mission suit. Sheathed sword and daggers around his hips. I bet there are blades and knives hidden in those armor of his.
"What?" I said nonchalantly looking up from my book.
"It's an important job June. I need a proper crew to attempt it," He stepped into the study room and unbuckled his armor.
"You are not stepping inside the study with those filthy boots Kai," I told him, going back to my book.
He heaved an exasperated sigh and stop midway.
"By dawn," He repeated it to me and took off.
Leader of the Black Operations, that's him alright. Always so secretive, moody, arrogant, mysterious, trusts no one and the most perceptible person to the King to assign him of to most of the mission. Even if its not any Black Op missions.
I flipped my book and stood to find Allison.
Allison, member of Kai's Black Op crew. Personally selected by King Tibe to be placed into Kai's crew. Allison is a shooter. She shoots everything and when I mean everything means its literally everything she sees and hates. Shooting a tree branches for apples was the most ridiculous thing she does and she puts it by saying, 'its efficient'. Allison can be compared to Kai for his skills in swords and blades while Allison does with her shootings. She never miss her bullets. Not that I have seen of.
I walk pass the Great Room where mission meetings are usually conducted and to the dormitory area.
"Oh great the wraith is in this also?" Jesper's grunting was heard even before we opened the door to the Great Room.
"What's the problem with me hanging around Jes? Scared you will pee in you pantsy when you don't see me coming?" I answered.
And yes, that's my so call nickname among the gang or maybe not really among the gang. Wraith, the shadow girl or spy. I am made to me one. Trained.
My walks are ghost-like, cat-like that no one see me coming behind them for stabbings. And most certainly serves as a good spy with my jumping skills. Not that I am proud of it. I am not a shooter or a sword wielder though I am fairly good enough to defend myself. But my game-point would be my spy skills. I get information for my crew. From every hook and crook. Getting into dangerous place, prisons, palace, most guarded place and no one notices.
With all our bickering, we are most certainly a team and lead my Kai. Whom most certainly trust us with out skills.
Jesper is smart ass in our crew. He is the strategist. He can come up with something so useful even in our death bed. He analyses most of the information I give to Kai and comes with ideas and schemes.
"Just dont kill each other alright," Allison said when we took our seat.
Kai seems to be into a piece of paper and next to it looks like a map.
"Kent is not joining?" Jesper ask seeing the missing member in the group.
Kai seem to be picking out only us and its not usual to leave Kent out. We most certainly need Kent in most of our missions. Jesper's question seems to bring Allison and me to it too. Why isn't Kent in?
But judging my Kai's dim quietness I guess he thought about it too before only choosing us.
I raised an eyebrow at Kai's stare but he just look away.
"We are breaking into the Calore Court to steal the most forbidden book to ever exist on earth," Was all Kai had to say to make all three of us to snap our head towards Kai and make us gap at him.
Everyone of us looking at him for some elaboration.
"The Book of Dark Theory," Was the answer that came out of my mouth. I know a lot about books because I spend most of my time in the study. A place for my solace when I'm not doing my missions.
"Yes, and this is not any missions assigned by the governors or senators. This was direct order of King Tibe himself. Its not a mission but a job for us," Kai stood almost like a mass of muscles.
"He wants us to get ourselves killed?" Allison for all her confidence seems to falter.
"Not certainly,"
"Why can't he just ask the Calore Court king himself nicely and get over with it? I mean they are both certainly are on good terms. Our court help's them most of the time and vice versa but its a unspoken rule not to steal anything from our allies. If anything, its the forbidden book! Not some jewels!" Jesper was fidgeting.
I am not sure if my brain is processing this. Getting into the Calore Court means meeting Jaden. My brother and its my childhood. A place I grew up and now I'm supposed to go there to steal some book while talking nicely to my friends?
"We are given two weeks. Today is just to tell you guys about it. I'll give you guys the details tomorrow night. Jesper, I want the layout of the court with security details when we meet up. June, Im sure you know how the book looks like, so you will be retrieving it and with your history with the Calore Court, Jesper would be needing your help,"
I was just gaping at Kai.
I was waiting for him at the stairs.
"You need to replenish yourself before we head north," Kai said when he saw me waiting for him.
I stood up and straighten myself.
"We need some stuffs. Help me with the blade sharpening and get all of us some linens and coats. I don't want us to go numb before we even reach the court," He walked into his room and I followed.
His room has an extra office table with lots of files. Papers here and there. A single bed at one corner and an attached bathroom. Its appreciably comfortable for a Black Op leader. I have been into his room countless time to pass him his blades and swords whenever I'm done sizing it up and sharpening it. Its a habit I took ever since I came in here to do that and I can't seem to understand why and without realising Kai gives his swords and blades almost every time when he comes back from missions.
He dumps me his sheathed sword and blades on my hand and move to remove his tunic.
Doesn't he realise I'm standing right in front of him? My muscle twitch at the sight of his upper body. I tried my best to keep myself busy looking at the papers on his table but I guess I failed to control it when it lingered back to him. He has a tattoo. One on his left chest and one on his upper left arm. A dragon and lynx. Both dangerous animals. Almost like him.
"Why isn't Kent in this?"
"He can't"
"Why? An order? You are hiding something Kai and don't you ask me to stop reading you. I know that look of yours," I said immediately.
Kai quietly drape a white shirt over him and walked to the table.
"Get me all this by tomorrow morning. I need to recheck the inventive before the meeting,"
Almost instantly my anger boiled.
"I'm not your slave to run your errands,"
"Well you certainly are under my command June, remember that," He cut me off with an equal voice.
"You know breaking into the Calore court would do me a lot more harm than to others," I have no idea why my throat started clogging.
"You are a spy. I need you to be on your wit and quit faltering with the past,"
"Sometimes I wonder if you even have a heart with that arrogance of yours," I clenched my teeth not to spit anything more worse and walked off.
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